What is Design? — Definition, Art and Branches
The concept of “design” is often very ambiguous and confusing and may differ depending on the experience of designers within their field. But every designer should be clear about what design is: definition, relation to art, and branches.
Conceptos de Comunicación Visual para Diseño Gráfico
Conozcamos los conceptos de comunicación visual del diseño gráfico para poder transmitir mensajes más eficaces y estéticos.
Visual Communication Concepts for Graphic Design
Let’s know the concepts of visual communication for graphic design to be able to convey more effective and aesthetic messages.
Teorías y Conceptos Básicos de Diseño Gráfico
El diseño gráfico es una actividad creativa en la que convergen el arte y la ciencia. Conozca el significado del diseño, la comunicación visual, la alfabetización visual, los principios de la Gestalt y mucho más.
Graphic Design Basic Concepts and Theories
Graphic design is a creative activity in which art and science converge. Learn about the meaning of design, visual communication, visual literacy, Gestalt principles and much more.
Where and how do Graphic Designers work?
Understanding where and how graphic designers work is important to realize the demands of the labor market.